Where do you stand? Self Driving Cars (Infographic)

Okay, we might not have flyer cars (thanks, Back to The Future) but we have the next best thing, Self-Driving Cars. Well not exactly, there are a couple of companies with prototypes but as of right now, no fully self-driving car is on the market. According to the infographic below experts are predicting that self-driving cars will be on the market between 2024-2026. A lot of people are skeptical when it comes to self-driving cars, the main question is “Are they safe”? Thanks to Part Catalog you can see all the information about self-driving cars you need. So, which side are you on?

The Future of Self-Driving Cars: Predictions from the Experts

There are pros and cons to both sides, but I believe in the self-driving car. Image the elderly being able to get to doctor appointments or blind people traveling without worry. It would give people who are immobile and unable to drive the change to move around like everyone else. This is a quote from a google self-driving car monthly report 

“In the six years of our project, we’ve been involved in 12 minor accidents during more than 1.8 million miles of autonomous and manual driving combined. Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident”.

Obviously we have a couple years to debate this but I’m excited to one day live in a world with self-driving cars. Please share you thoughts and comment below!


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