How Call Tracking Can Optimize Auto Repair Marketing

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In order to make the most out of your marketing budget, you must know exactly which tactics are converting the best and showing the greatest ROI. The closer that your shop can get to attributing its sales to individual marketing efforts, the better.  

Where are my customers hearing about my shop?

Gone are the days of traditional advertising when exposure ruled the world. With call tracking, you are able to create unique phone numbers for each of your marketing campaigns, no matter if they are digital or traditional. This means that when someone sees a particular ad, there is a unique phone number attached to either that advertisement or the overall campaign. When the person calls the associated phone number, you will be able to attribute the call to the specific marketing campaign.

Don’t worry, you won’t need any more phones than you already have. All calls will still be routed to your auto shop phone number, the way they typically are. But now you will have the answer to what used to be a mystery, “what made the patient give my shop a call?”


Continual Marketing Optimization

People perform local searches with a goal in mind. When potential customers are searching for a specific service your shop offers, 61 percent of these searches are performed by people who believe it is very important to be able to call when in need of servicing. Coupled with the fact that 76 percent of people who find your ad are looking to schedule an appointment, it’s important to recognize that having them call you is only half the battle.

In industries that benefit most from local search (like automotive), 60 percent of calls come from in-ad numbers. Simply receiving the call doesn’t necessarily tell you where a potential patient saw your number, which is why call tracking can be so important to your business. Having a unique phone number paired with your specific keyword campaigns and advertisements will allow you to understand exactly how customers find your shop. You can now have confidence in your marketing campaigns, as well as the data to back it up.

With insights mined from call tracking, your auto shop has the opportunity to further optimize its marketing strategy through the following advantages:

  • Monitor campaigns in real time: When a call comes in, you immediately know which advertisement is responsible for the call, since it will be linked to the unique phone number. Now, you will be able to determine which advertising tactics are proving most successful for your company.
  • Enhance lead generation: Call tracking can also be used as a tool to see how to improve your keywords campaigns. By tying a unique phone number to bid-upon keywords, your auto shop can see if more people are calling based upon “dentist in my area” or “where can I get a cleaning.” Having these insights allows your shop to better attribute your marketing efforts and improve your marketing ROI.
  • Discover insights that improve your marketing: As a customer of eDentalImage, you can add call tracking as an analytics tool for your website. The platform comes paired with an integrated analytics tool that keeps data (such as location, time, conversion and attribution) on your calls. This information will help you better market your business based upon the unique environment that your shop operates in. Some of the questions that could potentially be answered include: 
    • What time of the day do customers usually call?
    • Where are they calling from?
    • What is the comparison of calls from traditional versus digital marketing?
    • How do I maximize my advertising budget?

You know as well as anyone that building your auto shop comes down to determining what works and what doesn’t. It is about building on the successes you have had, and learning lessons each step of the way. After all, that’s how you’ve been able to build a shop that customers love to come to. Why shouldn’t your marketing reflect the same philosophy?


Do you want to grow your shop?

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