Online Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Think about the last time you were trying to decide between what small business to use for a service. Generally, people will read the reviews before trusting a company, especially one working on their expensive car, before investing time and money. Reviews are a great way to draw your customers in and create a trustworthy business. Whether they are good or bad, here’s the importance of online reviews and tips for how to respond to them.

How to Get Stellar Reviews from Customers

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Think about the last time you searched a product. You most likely did not purchase it cold turkey. Almost everyone researches and reads reviews before making a purchase online or visiting a shop for a particular service. Without reviews it would be like purchasing a house without even stepping foot through the door. Reviews give us a little more insight on the history of the product or service and it’s effectiveness amongst past customers. For an auto shop owner, reviews are valuable to the growth of the shop and provide feedback for advancing product offerings and customer service. So how does one get their customers to not only visit their auto repair shop, but leave a review on their experience as well? We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide to getting stellar reviews for your auto shop. Continue reading “How to Get Stellar Reviews from Customers”

How to Improve Your Auto Shop’s Google Star Rating

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Your Auto Repair Shop Should Promote Itself

You believe in your shop. When you hear someone verbalize a strange rattle in their engine, the first thing you do is tell them to stop by your shop so you can get it taken care of. If you could offer the same advice for anyone having vehicle issues, you would. But there are only so many hours in the day. Outside of work, your family and shop rightfully take up most of your time. Simply put, there isn’t enough time in the day to convince folks to make your shop their #1 auto shop stop.

Continue reading “How to Improve Your Auto Shop’s Google Star Rating”

Do You Know What Your Shop’s Customers are Saying About You Online?

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Online Reviews Matter

Did you know that 88 percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations? With such a high percentage of consumers looking to the internet for guidance when choosing their products and services, it is to your benefit to have a strong online presence, especially when it comes to reviews from customers.

Continue reading “Do You Know What Your Shop’s Customers are Saying About You Online?”

Google My Business Releases Photo Insights

Compare Your Auto Shop’s Google My Business Photo Views to Your Competition

On December 15, 2016, Google released the addition of a “photo insights” metric to the Google My Business dashboard. Google summarized the Insights update with the statement, “Insights are now available for photos. See how your photos perform compared to photos of businesses like yours.”

It is important for your auto shop to understand this new metric and how to view it in your Google My Business dashboard. Continue reading “Google My Business Releases Photo Insights”

Google My Business Tips for Auto Repair Shops

3 Reasons Auto Shops Need Google My Business Listings

In the digital world that we all live in today, “Google it” is a far too familiar phrase. As the owner of an auto shop, do you ever wonder why your company never shows up in online searches? Maybe the cost of online marketing seems too expensive or maybe you simply don’t know the first step to take. No matter what the excuse, Google My Business is an important tool to use to ensure that your auto shop pops up when a potential customer is having car troubles. Discover three reasons that your auto shop should be using Google My Business: Continue reading “Google My Business Tips for Auto Repair Shops”

How Yelp Reviews Help You Grow Your Shop

 Are Yelp Reviews Important? 

Before a potential customer walks into your auto repair shop, wouldn’t you like for them to feel like they can trust your business – even if it’s their first visit to your shop? This is especially important in the auto care industry, where consumers need to trust a technician to accurately diagnose their problem, recommend the best repair options, complete the work in a timely and professional manner, and charge them a fair and honest price once the work is complete. That’s a lot to ask of somebody who hasn’t worked with your shop before – after all, trust is earned over the course of any relationship. Continue reading “How Yelp Reviews Help You Grow Your Shop”