3 More Steps for a New Auto Shop to Gain Online Traction

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In CarCareCONNECT’s blog “3 Things All New Auto Shops Need To Do,” we listed out the first steps your new auto repair shop should take once it’s up and running. Now that you’ve completed those steps and your auto shop has a solid online presence, we’ve put together a list of the next three things your auto shop can do to gain even more online traction.

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3 Things All New Auto Repair Shops Need To Do

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Congratulations on opening your new auto repair shop! Now that all of the stress of purchasing your auto shop is over, it is time to sit back and relax, right? Not quite yet!

The CarCareCONNECT team wants to help ensure that everyone in your area is aware of just how outstanding your auto repair shop is. Creating a strong online presence for your auto repair shop is the best way to make sure that potential customers near you know all the details about your up-and-coming auto shop. While there are many things you can do to improve your auto shop’s online presence, the CarCareCONNECT team has narrowed it down to three of the first things all new auto shops need to do to increase brand awareness. Continue reading “3 Things All New Auto Repair Shops Need To Do”

The Pros and Cons of Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct mail campaigns have long been a tried and true method of marketing for small businesses. But with the rise of the internet, you may have heard of some companies turning away from direct mail and other types of traditional marketing. That probably hasn’t stopped the number of ads that come through your mailbox, though. And there’s a simple reason for that: direct mail campaigns work.

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What All Auto Repair Shops Need to Know About Word-of-Mouth

What All Auto Repair Shops Need to Know About Word-of-Mouth

How Word-of-Mouth Has Changed

There is no denying the power of word-of-mouth. Whether you opened your shop fifty years or five weeks ago, referrals and recommendations from customers, friends or family members have kept your doors open – and your bays full.While word-of-mouth keeps business coming in, it’s also one of the most-common reasons shops fail to grow to their full potential.

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Digital Marketing Shouldn’t Replace Word of Mouth – It Should Complement It!



Social media has increasingly become a part of our everyday life. It changed the way we all communicate, both personally and professionally. Driving word of mouth through social media platforms allows the consumers to spread the word faster and further at no extra costs. It’s every marketer’s dream for consumers to talk about their products, post detailed reviews online and tweet about its brand far and wide. According to Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising Report, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from family and friends than any other form of advertising. If your friend raves about a certain brand or product, you may want to purchase something from the same brand. Therefore, in a world dominated by social networks, creating that consumer buzz is something you have to do to make your brand stand out.

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5 Defining Qualities of a Good Mentor


Nothing is accomplished alone and even some of the greats needed help along the way. Being a mentor to someone is a very important relationship because everyone needs help once in a while. A mentor also helps train employees and this can ensure that you could one day pass down the business to someone you trust. More importantly it helps both parties learn about each other and help. Let’s look at the 5 qualities you should look for in a mentor.

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What Makes a Great Logo? (Infographic)


If I asked you to close your eyes and think of as many logos as you could, how many do you think you could think of? I bet you could recall more than you thought you knew because what makes a great a logo is its capability to be remembered. Logo’s are a representation of everything a company stands for and they need to perfect. There is a science to logo making and thanks to CompanyFolders you’ll be able to see everything that goes into making the perfect logo. 

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How To Build Trust With Your Customers


Loyal customers are made from great auto shop-customer relationships. And like any other relationship, you have to start by first building trust with your customers. However, this is harder than ever before because people have become distrusting of auto mechanics.

People are distrusting of auto mechanics because:

  • they read stories all over the internet about people who have had terrible auto service experiences
  • they themselves have had a terrible auto service experience in the past
  • there are so many different factors that affect the cost of an individual work order that people often don’t know what they’re paying for 

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