Automotive Wi-Fi: A Hackers Playground

The modern world has provided us with amazing innovations. We have phones that serve as personal computers and cars that respond to verbal commands. While we have created new rewards that make life easier, we also have created new risks. This is especially obvious with the digital changes in the automotive industry.

For example, automotive GPS are super helpful. They allow people to get to where they are going in the shortest possible time and even can show people the nearest gas station so they don’t run out of gas before they reach their destination.

While this technology is great and super helpful, it also collects a lot of information about the person driving the car. GPS’s record where the car goes, where it is left, and its current location. The data stored by a automotive’s GPS can show patterns of behavior for people. Using the data that GPS’s collect, you could find out where someone lives, where their kids go to school, and the times of day when they aren’t usually at home.

You see the problem right? The data in GPS is valuable.

The amazing innovations in the automotive industry do not stop at GPS. Modern cars use computers to make calls, gauge tire-pressure, and access keyless entry. All of these things are great and improve safety. People can make calls hands-free and be protected against people stealing their keys to hijack their cars.

With all the computer controlled aspects of a car, a car thief would only have to do some hacking to be able to take over a vehicle. The fact that some modern cars come equipped with relatively open Wi-Fi makes this much easier.

In fact, it has been proven that an adequate hacker, with only an ipad, can successfully hi-jack certain aspects of the car, including steering. The ability for hackers to take over functions of the car as well as obtain personal information through Wi-Fi is a problem that car makers need to address.

Currently, there is not a lot of protection for those utilizing automotive Wi-Fi or GPS systems. The modern advancement of automobiles have left many vulnerable to cyber attack and while the odds of people actually trying to hijack cars through Wi-Fi is slim, its is possible and needs to addressed.

As the digital world continues to grow and expand, automotive manufactures have the responsibility to make sure that their customers are safe. This includes making sure that their technology protects the privacy of the consumer. Security for Wi-Fi has become a must.

Want to find out how hackable your car is? Check out this chart by

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