5 Most Common Marketing Mistakes



Every business in the world at one point in time marketed their product or service in some way. In order for a business to succeed, marketing needs to be on their top list of priorities. Marketing comes in many forms, Word of Mouth, Print, T.V, Radio and Digital Marketing. The most important two are Word of Mouth and Digital Marketing. Word of mouth generates referrals, which are the life line for small businesses and Digital Marketing is any type of marketing online. We live in a digital world and marketing online is cost effective and the best way to reach your target market. One of worst mistakes a business can make is not to market, but another mistake is to market incorrectly. Let’s take a look at the most common marketing mistakes so you don’t make them!


1. No Concept Of The Ideal Customer

In order to market to the right customers, you have to know who you want to market your product or services too. You know your product up, down and sideways, but have only a vague idea of who might actually want or need it. Research is key, put yourself in the situation where the consumer would need your service or product.

2. Failing to Capture Repeat Business

I said it above and I’ll say it again, referrals are the life line to any small business. According to the Pareto principal, 20% of your customers produce 80% of your sales. In order to keep your business going, you need to capture repeat business. This could be specials, referral specials or even buy one get one free!

3. Leaving Important Information off Your Website

Okay, so I hope you have a website, cause if you don’t please make one immediately. Anyway, it’s estimated that 60% of local businesses don’t have their phone number on their website. I’ll pause and let you check your website…………..

All good? Alright moving on. Your website needs to be perfect in order to capture the customer and if I have to go digging for a phone number, I’m going to click the back button. Make sure to include all contact information on any business page.

*If you’re worried about your website you might find this helpful

4. Can’t Differentiate against Competitors

The auto shop business has no lack of choices when it comes to service on your car. There is a lot of competition and you need to be able to stick out to the customer. Yeah you and the shop down the road both do oil changes but maybe you do yours faster, maybe your employees are nicer. You need to point these things out to the customer in order to prove you are better than the competition.

5. Over Spending on Marketing

A lot of businesses are weary of marketing companies because they’ve been burned in the past. Advertising campaigns can be expensive unless you plan it well and are aware of all options. Some companies know this and drive the price up for small businesses. Be aware of your account and keep track of thr campaigns.

If you’re dealing with any of these problems right now, WE UNDERSTAND!

As one of our clients, you can rest assured that we are doing everything within our power to bring you as much marketing success as you need. If you’ve made it this far, you must have a spark of interest of what CarCareCONNECT can do to help you. Contact us and we’d love to discuss what solutions we can bring to your marketing problems!

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